I’m starting a blog amid worldwide turmoil

Moabl flowers

In my job as a copy editor at a health and wellness website, we talk a lot about self-care: Look after your mental health. Be gentle with yourself. Do whatever you need to do to get through whatever crisis, health condition, situation you’re facing. Rest, regroup, restore as needed, so you can better care for yourself and those you love.

As I’ve navigated the pandemic, economic shutdown, and stay-at-home orders over the past couple months, I’ve felt all the feels (like the rest of the world): shock, disappointment, sadness.

And as our country has erupted in civil unrest over the senseless murder of George Floyd, I’m often on the edge of tears, feeling a tightening in my chest that I equate with heartache for so many people who are in profound pain right now — for so many reasons.

It’s a lot to take in. I often say to friends and work colleagues, “It’s just so much.” I wake each morning to turn on my phone to check the news and think, “Okay, what now?” with a sense of dread.

So, to launch a place on the web where I wax poetic about my (privileged) life and the choices I get to make moving forward as my kids fly the nest feels a bit … wrong. Am I appearing tone deaf to the myriad injustices happening in our world today?

Here’s the thing. After two years of not writing a word online (besides Facebook posts and Slack messages), I wanted an outlet. I need an outlet. I’d like to find some joy with a personal project, because if I don’t, I’ll spiral into despair, given the goings on in a world disrupted right now.

And that’s why I’ve created this spot to sort things out, share what’s bringing me some happiness amid chaos, and hopefully inspire readers to think about what will bring you a slice of joy during these tumultuous and unsettled times.

If that’s going on long walks, cuddling with your dog, and dreaming about booking your next vacation — great. If it’s binge-watching Netflix with a bowl of ice cream and bag of Fritos — awesome, you do you.

If it’s sewing masks for donation, or attending protests to take a stand against racism and police brutality, or financially supporting causes that work to eradicate institutional bias and lift up the Black community — by all means.

I think it’s ever important to follow your gut and do what feels right to you — without judgment. While we can’t always control what’s happening around us, I’m finding solace focusing on what I can control — and what makes me feel good.

And right now that’s doing what I can to help make the world a better place, getting creative here, and, indeed, thinking about what the future holds when my children (God willing) get settled on their college campuses this fall.

Thanks for coming along.

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